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Only a few words 几个英语词

标签:一个 法官 不会 抢劫 英语  日期:2017-11-27
t you speak English at all?the judge asks. Only a few words,,几个英语词法庭上法官正审问一个抢劫犯,由于该犯是一个不会说英语的外国人,审问很困难,你一点英语都不会说吗,法官问,我只会说几个词

Only a few words


At a court the judge is interrogating a mugger but gets into difficulty because the mugger is a foreigner who doesn't speak English. Don't you speak English at all? the judge asks. Only a few words, replies the mugger.


What words do you know?

Your purse or your life!






