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Your Halo Is Too Tight

标签:什么 是不是 医生 哪里 信  日期:2018-02-06

A pious believer was very serious in his spiritual cultivation. He went to church every Sunday and never missed a ceremony or a baptism. One day, he went to see the doctor. The doctor checked his pulse and gave him a thorough medical checkup, zut failed to diagnose anything."You don't seem to be ill," the doctor said.

"If I were not ill, then why would I be here consulting you?" he asked."Do you indulge in unhealthy pleasures?" the doctor asked "No! I have three meals a day, at regular hours and in a fixed quantity; I don't take an extra grain."


"Then have you been drinking too much? You'd better stop drinking!""Of course not! I don't even drink a drop of alcohol; I drink only plain water.""Do you often work late? Do you know that working late is bad for your health?"


"Never! I turn in at half-past nine every night, and I get up at six in the morning. This is my daily routine, without the slightest exception."The doctor began to get confused. "Do you smoke or take drugs?"


"That is impossible! I get sick just seeing others smoke,let alone smoking tobacco myself!""Then do you indulge in carnal pleasure?" the doctor asked again.

"How can that be? I am still a bachelor, and I virtually do not know what a woman is." The doctor could not think of anything else, so he gave it a last try. "Do you have a headache?"


"Yes, you are right! I have a severe headache, and no medicine can relieve my pain.""But of course. The halo around your head is too tight!" the doctor said.











