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Burglars Enter Opticians Shop by Mistake

标签:电子 他们 进入 商店 眼镜  日期:2018-02-11
and no arrests have been made.一伙盗贼意图“光顾”一个电子器材商店,警察说,这3名盗贼先闯入了同一大楼里的一个当地报纸的办公室,他们意图通过电钻在墙上钻洞然后进入电子器材商

Burglars tried to break into an electronics retailer three times - only to find they'd drilled through to an opticians by mistake.

  Police say the trio broke into a local newspaper office housed in the same building in Vara, 200 miles south-west of Stockholm. It's thought they bored a hole into the wall using a power drill, but ended up breaking into an optician's office. Spokesman Johan Svensson said: "They tried again on another wall, with the same result. And a third time." When they punched through a fourth wall, they finally broke through to the store, but alarms went off and they fled without grabbing anything, Mr Svensson said.

  Police are still searching for the men, and no arrests have been made.


