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S.O.B. 狗娘养的

标签:怎么 一个 我们 一次 生活  日期:2018-02-13
had been working on his will. At a family dinner he told us that he had provided well for Mother,最近一直在写遗嘱,一次家宴上,他告诉我们说他为母亲以后的生活作好了安排,但如果她改嫁的话,家里的房子将归

My father, who was 14 years old than my mother, had been working on his will. At a family dinner he told us that he had provided well for Mother, but the family home would to us five children if she remarried.

"I don't want another S.O.B. toasting his shins around my fireplace," he explained.

With a sly grin, Mother cracked, "What makes you think I'd marry another S.O.B?"




