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Early Precaution

标签:有一 我们 婴儿 他们 俄语  日期:2018-03-19
" the couple replied.未雨绸缪有一对美国夫妇没有孩子,想领养个小孩。,终于有一家孤儿院通知他们说,」他们很高兴,就去把婴儿抱回去,他们来到一所大学,学校里的秘书问,我们英语是很

There was an American couple who had no children, so they wanted to adopt a child. Finally, an orphanage contacted them, saying, "We have a baby for adoption.

It's a Russian orphan." The couple was delighted and went to bring the baby home.

On the way home, they stopped by a university to enroll in a Russian course. "Why do you want to learn Russian? The English that we speak is a very od language," the university secretary asked.

"Well, we just adopted a Russian baby. When he begins to speak Russian in a few years, we are afraid that we might not be able to understand him," the couple replied.






